Like most people we take our garage doors for granted. We forget they need love too! Here are some tips to keep your door running smoothly before you need to call in the big guns at Pacific Garage Door Service.
Lube both the garage door and garage door opener quarterly. Dirt and grit is a major problem in the pacific south west. Lubing your garage door on a schedule with the proper materials will help protect them from the elements.
Lube the garage door by using a silicone spray that you can find in any local hardware store. With the garage empty close the garage door and spray all hinges, rollers and springs. Make sure you stay clear of the springs as they are highly dangerous. When you have completed this open the garage door to ventilate any fumes.
Lube the garage opener with a low temperature grease. Make sure the garage is empty and the garage door is down. There are three common styles of garage door openers. Screw drive which has a long screw inside that runs the length of the rail and is visible by standing directly under the rail and looking up. Chain drive openers have a chain visible above the rail. Belt drive openers have a rubberized belt above the rail. To lube a screw drive opener run grease in the screw the entire length of the rail. Like putting toothpaste on a toothbrush. To lube chain drive and belt drive openers put a small amount of low temperature grease on a paper towel and run a thin coating along the top and bottom sides of the entire length of the rail. Like greasing a baking sheet. Do NOT grease the chain or the belt it will only make a huge mess of the garage.
Doing both of these things on a regular basis will keep your garage running smoothly and quietly as long as all parts are in good working condition.
Twice a year you should perform these simple safety checks.
Force setting test: This test is performed to ensure the garage door opener will auto reverse if it comes down on something such as a car a kids bike etc. If it fails, this test the opener is unsafe and if not adjusted properly can cause property damage or bodily harm.
To test the force setting lay a two by four piece of wood on the ground directly underneath your garage door. Push garage door opener button to close door on wood. When the door makes contact with the wood the opener should auto reverse and go back to the open position. If the opener doesn’t auto reverse, you need to call us to address this serious issue. It may just need an adjustment but it is possible a more in depth solution is required.
Spring Balance test: This test is done to check the balance of your garage door. Garage door springs are what handle all the weight of the garage door. An unbalanced door can put unnecessary strain on the garage door opener, the hardware of the door and the garage door panels themselves leading to costly repairs.
To test the spring balance, start with the garage door closed. NEVER release a garage door from the opener in the up position. If there is a problem with the spring system damage to the door or personal injury may occur!
Pull down the red emergency release cord hanging down from the opener rail this disengages the opener from the door. Next grab the door in the middle lifting with your legs and open it to the halfway open position. In the half open position, the door should stay open. If the door feels heavy and will not stay up on its own the springs have relaxed and are in need of an adjustment or replacement.
If any of these test fail, your door remains noisy after lubing or you’re experiencing erratic behavior from your garage door it is time to call in the professionals at Pacific Garage Door Service.